Friday, August 24, 2012

Nostalgia Takes Hold

Earlier this afternoon I was wrapping up some errands, when I decided to go on a bit of a cruise around Malden (as I rarely have a vehicle available during the daytime). As I made my way down Salem street, I found myself coming up on my old middle school, Mystic Valley. When I passed I noticed the students outside enjoying their recess. Sounds of laughter and cheer filled the air, and I was suddenly overcome with envy.

I'm sure these kids are told all the time by their elders to enjoy themselves as much as possible because these are some of the best days of their lives. I'm also sure they brush it off every time they hear it... I know I used to. You see, when you're a kid you feel powerless and unappreciated, and all you want is to be an adult. Then you become an adult, and while it has plenty of perks, nostalgia becomes a constant in your life.

As I reflected, I suddenly found myself transported into the halls of that old building. It's not until years later that you realize the significance of that age. The relationships you cultivate, decisions you make, these things all help lay the foundation of the person you're going to become... I kept thinking, if I had only known then what I know now imagine what different directions my life may have taken.

When you're a kid, everything is overly dramatic and seems like the end of the world. Crushes, unrequited love, jealousy, losing friends, gaining enemies. But when you measure that petty stuff up to growing up, having responsibilities, people who depend on you, trying to find a direction for your future, and having a mountain of debt casting a shadow over your life, there's no comparison.

I won't lie, I miss it. Dare I say, I was even jealous

It was at this moment I snapped back to reality and realized I was holding up traffic, while simultaneously staring at a bunch of middle school kids playing in a schoolyard...... I promptly sped off hoping nobody had the sense to write down my license plate number.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Facing my (musical) demons

If you know me, you know I have a very eclectic music taste. You also know I sometimes tend to be a bit of a snob about it. I've been developing a bad habit lately of harshly criticizing people when I find out they listen to music I don't particularly enjoy *Cough Cough* COUNTRY *Cough Cough*. Not wanting to be seen as a jerk who sits on his musical pedestal and judges people's preferences while feeling infallible, I thought I'd open up a bit and reveal that even I am capable of having my "guilty pleasures" when it comes to my tracks. Thus, I ventured into the bowels of my collection to compile a list of ten of the most embarrassing songs I secretly enjoy. Now, I didn't go on an extensive search through all of my files to seek these out, I simply opened up my iTunes, and scrolled my playlists for the ridiculous things hidden within.

Please note: The following list is not in any particular order, just how they surfaced during my search.

10: Dead Or Alive: You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)

This song is one of the more popular ones on the list, by which I mean I'm sure a LOT more people out there than would like to admit, love this song. What it is about this track that is so entertaining? Is it the overly dramatic vocals? The absurdly flamboyant lead singer? The fact that the beat screams 1980's? Who knows. All I know is that it's impossible not to enjoy at least to some extent.

9: Stevie Knicks: Edge of Seventeen

Maybe it's because I'm fascinated by how Stevie's voice sounds like some kind of goat-woman hybrid, or maybe it's because I often confuse the opening riff with "Eye of the Tiger", whatever the appeal is I'm a big fan of this song and you should be too.

8: The Carpenters: Close to You

Now this song is tricky, because it's a true classic. It's beautifully written, and the late Karen Carpenter was truly talented. The reason I decided to add this one to the list is simply due to the fact that it contradicts my image so strongly it's comical. When strangers see me walking down the street the size I am, rocking a beard and an "I don't want to go to work" scowl, they expect me to be listening to death metal not a sweet upbeat ballad. 

7: Falco: Rock Me Amadeus

This is another 80's song (there are a couple more ahead, so get ready). I assume that his song is about the life and times of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart... I say "assume" because I don't speak German. Oh yeah, this song isn't in English, so like me I'm sure a lot people have no idea whats going on. Now the reason why I enjoy this song so much despite the fact that I can't understand it, is because it's catchy as all hell. In fact I challenge anyone who reads this to listen to at least half of the song and NOT spend the rest of the day chanting "Amadeus! Amadeus! Oh! Oh! Oh! AMADEUS!"... I know I will be

6: Kanjagoogoo: Too Shy

I wasn't lying when I said there would be more 80's music on the list, and this one is coated in the sleek dazzling veneer of the nineteen eighties. The slightly obnoxious verses, the killer hook, the use of instruments like the keyboard and electric drums, the androgynous lead singer.. It's a song that you may or may not be familiar with, but if you are "lucky" enough to be, you'll never admit how much you actually love it.

5: Wham: Wake Me Up (Before You Go-Go)

(Last 80's song, I promise) Let's stop kidding ourselves here... we all know this song, and even those of us who despise it, love it deep down. The verses have no substance, the chorus is repetitive, the clothing and dancing are absurd, and that's just the way the world has wanted it for the past 28 years. I know for a fact many of you reading this let out an audible groan as soon as you saw this one, but even now as you listen to it you're fighting off that smile that desperately wants to come across your face. Trust me I'm the same way... I loathe everything about this song, but I'm secure enough to admit that when it comes on my iPod I huff and puff, but can't bring myself to turn it off.

4: Enrique Iglesias: Bailamos

If you grew up in my era, there's a 99% chance you're familiar with this song. The song is actually pretty lame, and I truly have no use for Enrique, but I don't know, there's just something about it that stands out. When I hear this song it takes me back to 5th grade when I used to sing the chorus as " Here's my mole! Let the Doctor rip it right off of my nose!".... good times. 

3: Natalie Imbruglia: Torn

Young attractive woman, with a sweet voice, singing about how sad she is after losing her boyfriend. A perfectly respectable song to be a fan of... unless you're a 5'10 290lb 22 year old man with a full beard. But what can I say? When you grow up in the 1990's with an older sister, this kind of music gets drilled into your brain. I chock my enjoyment of it up to nostalgia and choose not to dwell on it any longer than that.

2: Kylie Minogue: Can't Get You Out Of My Head

This is another of those songs that I don't actually like, but I enjoy listening to it. The reason for that is yet again, due to nostalgia. I remember being completely enthralled by this video whenever it was on, and if you'd like to know why go ahead and fast-forward to minute 1:10-2:30. Now imagine being an 11 year old boy watching this... I think the rest is self explanatory

1: Britney Spears: (You Drive Me) Crazy

Growing up in the 1990's my generation experienced first hand the (various) rises and falls of Ms. Spears. Girls and boys alike all had/have one Britney Spears song that they can't deny they like. This one happens to be mine, and I'm not nearly as ashamed about that as I should be.... Go ahead and judge me! I dare you!

So that will about do it for my list. In all honestly, I could probably make a novel out of all the songs I'm embarrassed about enjoying. However, I won't subject you to that pain, or myself to the torture of digging them all up. At any rate, I appreciate you taking the time to read this post, and maybe I've inspired you to face your own musical demons.... I'm going to go listen to Led Zeppelin now and regain my masculinity.