Friday, March 11, 2011


The past 5 days I’ve been going through a strange phenomenon that I dubbed “Double-Dreaming” where I have a short dream instantly after I fall asleep, and then later I have the ‘Main Dream’.

Now at first I thought nothing of these little pre-dreams, since they were quite brief and too hazy to really remember. However I kept having what seemed like the same one over and over, night after night, and each night it grew more and more vivid, until last night it seems to have fully formed as I can remember it perfectly. Because of this, I’m rather suspicious, and in the back of my mind (as foolish as I know it is) I can’t help but question if it was REALLY a dream or simply some kind of Inception situation I should not have seen. Let me explain the progression of the dream and you can come up with your own conclusion…..

Last Sunday night the instant I rolled over to go to sleep, (I think it was even before I was actually fully asleep because I felt conscious) a brief dream kicked up but it was just a bright blur, and I fell into deep sleep before I could give it another thought.

Monday night was the same deal, as the instant I shut my eyes to go to sleep I was hurled into the weird pre-dream. Again, it was a bright blur, but I could hear the constant beeping of a hospital heart rate monitor. Again after just a few seconds it ended and I’m assuming I had another dream after, thought I don’t remember it, and when I woke up I put it on the back burner and really thought nothing else of it.  

Tuesday night, the exact same thing as the instantly I laid down and shut my eyes the strange pre-dream began again, same bright blur, same constant heart rate, only now I could hear faint voices. The words were too muffled to make out, but it was quite obviously a conversation of some sort. But as before, after only a few seconds it ended and my real sleep began. I woke up the next morning and was very suspicious but chalked it up to the mysteries of dreamland, and went about my day.

Wednesday night(surprise, surprise) was the same ol’ song and dance, bright blur, heart rate monitor, muffled voices, however this time the brightness had subsided enough to make out smaller very dim, colored lights all around and dark silhouettes of what I concluded was people walking around, though I couldn’t make out any features. As always, it ended rather abruptly and I proceeded into another dream (this one was particularly frightening, as I got baked into a pie by an elderly couple…. But that’s another story for another day) but when I woke up I really took notice and was struck by the peculiarity of this ever progressing dream, however I decided before I would settle in and really try to analyze it, I’d give it one more night and see if I had it again, and if so, if anything more compelling came to light next time around.
Oh boy did it ever! Last night the same routine, bright blur, heart rate monitor, muffled voices, faded colored lights, silhouettes, however after a moment my eyes began to focus, and I could eventually see everything as clearly as this computer screen is right now….

I was laying on my back in a bed with baby blue sheet draped over me. I couldn’t move any part of my body except for my head slightly from side to side. The room was a giant circle which was a nearly blinding white, there were various people in long white lab coats puttering around, and the center of the room was a huddled mass of equipment that looked like giant computer hard drives. On these devices were small red, green, and blue lights which I identified as the ones I saw through the haze in earlier dreams. Upon looking around the circle (the parts I could see with my limited head movement) I could see countless other unrecognizable people in beds just like I was, and hooked up to various machines. I turned to my left and saw a familiar face…. Andrew Brown was next to me; however he looked to be unconscious. I tried to call out to him, but my voice was very quiet and weak. I was unable to see who was to my right s there was equipment in the way.

Suddenly I heard a female voice say, “OH! Doctor? Number 24 is awake, again.” At that moment, a man seemed to magically appear at the foot of my bed reading something off of a clipboard. He was bald in the middle of his head with short brown hair on the sides. He had glasses on, and the knot of a dark green tie could be seen poking out from above his white lab coat. He turned to his side, farther than I could look, and he said, “Nurse, please prepare the shot.” Then he looked down at me, smiled and said, “You’ve been giving us quite a bit of trouble lately, Mr. Amirault.” I was unable to respond and after a second a woman dressed as a nurse from the 1950’s (white dress, little hat, the whole nine yards) came into view. She was very attractive with short curly brown hair, and a very pretty face. The doctor told her to ‘proceed’ and she leaned over me and lifted up my right arm. In one hand she held my arm, and in the other she brandished a rather large syringe filled with a neon yellow substance. I got very frightened at this point, but my cries of fear were nearly inaudible. The Doctor must have noticed my discomfort and said, “Now, Now Mr. Amirault. Its ok, you’ll forget all about this unfortunate event by the time you wake up.” I looked back up at the nurse who was now tying a rubber strap around my bicep, and tapping on the inside of my arm (where blood tests are usually performed). She slid the needle into my arm and pushed the plunger, but I couldn’t even feel it. The Doctor asked, “Do you have a preference as to what kind of dream you have tonight, or shall we just choose for you?” I was scared and confused and could only manage to answer with a weak, “What?” when suddenly it went dark.

I woke up this morning very shaken. I’ve always been prone to having wild and vivid dreams, but this one was different. In a weird way, this one was REALLY realistic, and I don’t know how I feel about it. I know it was just a dream, but I can’t simply ignore the fact that it had been developing for days, and the Doctor even said my lack of staying asleep was causing them ‘a lot of trouble lately’. Maybe the injection was supposed to wipe my memory but it didn’t work on me. Who knows!

Have I accidently caught a glimpse to a horrible truth I never should have seen? It’s highly unlikely…. But I’ll let you be the judge.                   

1 comment:

  1. Damn straight I better get a shout out after almost 2 months of no posts.
