Friday, January 7, 2011

Not much to report

I suppose I should begin by apologizing for the fact that it's been a few days since my last update.

First off I need to acknowledge the fact that the last time I updated I had only 2 followers, and now I have 6. I realize this has been chiefly due to my good friend TORI IOVANNI, who has recently taken it upon herself to begin a campaign to get followers for this blog. Thank You very much, and keep it up... That goes for the rest of my followers as well. If you like what you read here, don't hesitate to get the word out. The more followers I have the more inclined I'll be to keep up with it on a more regular basis.

Now, my last post was the story of my encounter of the two very large girls and their search for "Reeesins", and those who have read it have been giving it a lot of praise. As a result of that, I was hesitant to update again until I had another tale to share, unfortunately not much excitement has been going on lately. This is mainly due to the fact that my 'Crew' is still in shambles.
Andrew Brown is off living in Monaco where he will be spending the Spring semester (lucky bastard)

Francis Brown is still busy with his duties as manager of the Boston University Basketball team

Brendan Howard is on 'Alternative Winter Break' down in Honduras building houses for poor people (I know... I'm, Uhh..... Jealous?)

So that just leaves myself and Brendan Norton, which is great, don't get me wrong, but you can only go on so many 'Man-Dates' before you need a little rest from each other, haha.

However, tomorrow is Friday and thus, the start of the weekend (not that weekends have any meaning whilst on Vacation) so hopefully I'll stumble on something more interesting, as I have tendency to do. But if not... I may just have to go looking for a story, to keep you, my precious followers, entertained.

1 comment:

  1. :( Miss you, love you, cant wait to give you sneak attack hugs from behind, with or without clothes on. Jealous of your man-dates with Brendan.
