Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Return of the living dead

Guess who?!

It's been well over a year since my last post, and by now this blog is like an abandoned Amusement Park... you can tell this was once a happy place where people had fun and enjoyed spending their time, but now it's just dark, cold, and devoid of life.

At it's height, "Jake's Day-To-Day" was beginning to gain a following, and those who read it gave me praise fairly regularly. It was never my intention to let that fall to ruin, but you know how things go, sometimes life gets complicated and while you're trying to figure everything out your hobbies fall by the wayside.

I don't know what inspired it, but today I was suddenly compelled to get out the cleaning supplies, strap on the tool belt, to try to bring this ol' gal back to life.

I can't promise I'll post something everyday... in fact it's almost definite that I WON'T, but I can promise that I'll do my very best to keep this alive, and one day return to it's past glory.

If any of my former readers are seeing this right now, all I can say is "thank you" for sticking by me.... and I must ask that you don't stray too far, I may need to recruit you to help me begin my climb back towards the top.

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